School Council
Student Council Constitution
- To help make school life better for everyone
- To care of everyone in our school community
- To give pupils a voice and a way of helping to make decisions in school
There will be two representatives from each class from Years 1-6. Nursery and Reception class teachers will receive minutes and talk to their children about what went on at the meeting. Children’s ideas will be collected and shared at the Student-Council meetings and members will report back to their classes. The link teacher is Mrs Picton.
Student Council Elections
- Elections will be held once a year at the beginning of the term.
- Each class will hold an election
- Pupils can fill in an application form or do a presentation to the class
- All children will have a vote by secret ballot
- The Student Council will meet at least once every half-term
- More meetings will happen when there is something important to discuss
- The link teacher will help at the meetings, but the children will run them
- Children will take turns to chair the meetings
- Any other adults can attend the meeting if invited by the Student Council
School Council Class Representatives